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CATTI 笔译备考练习专题材料:文化篇(二)

2022-05-26 00:39:12


 Chinese seal engraving is a seal-making art combining Chinese calligraphy (mainly the seal character) and engraving (including iron and casting) with a history over 3,000 years. The combination of writing structure of a conventional calligraphy with the artistic expression embodied in engraving with knife and stone can manifest better the aesthetic feeling of the Chinese characters and is favored by people from all levels of society.


雕版印刷是中国古代汉族劳动人民经过长期实践和研究的一项伟大发明。大约在公元600年前后的隋朝,人们从刻印章中得到启发,在人类历史上最早发明了雕版印刷术。雕版印刷在印刷史上有“活化石”之称,扬州是中国雕版印刷术的发源地,是中国国内唯一保存全套古老雕版印刷工艺的城市国家非常重视非物质文化遗 产的保护,2006520日,。200765日,,江苏省扬州市的陈义时为该文化遗产项目代表性传承人,并被列入第一批国家级非物质文化遗产项目226名代表性传承人名单。

 Woodblock printing is a great invention of the ancient Chinese people after their long-term practice and study. In Sui Dynasty (about 600 A.D.), people got the inspiration from seals and invented the earliest woodblock printing in human history. Woodblock printing has the title of "Living Fossil" in printing history. The origin of woodblock printing in China is Yangzhou, which is the only city in China that keeps a full set of old woodblock printing process. China pays great attention to the protection of intangible cultural heritage. On May 20, 2006, the woodblock printing process was classified in the first batch of State-level Intangible Cultural Heritage List after the approval of China’s State Council. On June 5, 2007, Chen Yishi from Yangzhou of Jiangsu Province was determined by Ministry of Culture as the representative inheritor of the cultural heritage project and was classified in the list including 226 representative inheritors of the first batch of State-level Intangible Cultural Heritage Projects.



 Chinese calligraphy is an ancient Chinese character writing art with fascinating artistic charm. It goes through the transformation process from oracle, stone-drum inscription, Chinese bronze inscription (inscriptions on ancient bronze objects), to big-seal script, small-seal script and clerical script. It was mature in the Eastern Han Dynasty, Wei and Jin Dynasties when grass script, regular script and running script sprung up. Chinese calligraphy is a unique and charming visual art. Its most distinguishing characteristic from other types of calligraphies lies in its base of Chinese character. Chinese calligraphy is an indigenous art of China with a long and profound tradition and is one of the Four Arts (lyre-playing, chess, calligraphy and painting).



 Paper-cut is one of the oldest folk arts in China whose history can be dated back at least to the 6th century. It is a hollowing art giving a visually see-through feeling and artistic enjoyment. Its carriers can be paper, tinsel, bark, leaf, cloth, leather and other sheet type materials. In May 20, 2006, paper-cut art heritage was classified in the first batch of State-level Intangible Cultural Heritage List after the approval of China’s State Council. Nowadays, paper-cut is still an important form for Chinese people to express expectations, thoughts and emotions. It is involved in contemporary folk activities and shows interactive vigor and recreation vitality.


汉族传统建筑是以木结构框架为主的建筑体系,以土、木、砖、瓦、石为主要建筑材料。传统木结构营造技艺是古老的汉族传统手工技艺,是以木材为主要建筑材料,以榫卯为木构件的主要结合方法,以模数制为尺度设计和加工生产手段的建筑营造技术体系。营造技艺以师徒之间“言传身教”的方式世代相传。由这种技艺所构建的建筑及空间体现了中国人对自然和宇宙的认识,反映了中国传统社会等级制度和人际关系,影响了中国人的行为准则和审美意向,凝结了古代科技智慧,展现了中国工匠的精湛技艺。这种营造技艺体系延承七千年,遍及中国全境,并传播到日本、韩国等东亚各国,是东方古代建筑技术的代表。 在2009年,。

 Traditional architecture of Han nationality is a construction system dominated by timber-framed structures with soil, wood, brick, tile, stone as the main building materials. As an ancient traditional craftsmanship of Han nationality, traditional architectural craftsmanship for timber-framed structures is a construction technical system using wood as the main building materials, tenon-and-mortise work as the main combination method of wooden parts, and modular system as the means of scale design as well as processing and production. Construction skill is passed on from generation to generation in the manner of teaching by personal example and verbal instruction. Embodying the Chinese understanding of nature and the universe and reflecting the Chinese traditional social hierarchy and interpersonal relations, the buildings and space constructed with this technique is a condensation of the ancient wisdom of science and technology showing the superb skills of Chinese craftsmen and also affect codes of conduct and aesthetic intention of Chinese people. The construction skill system lasts for seven thousand years and is widespread in the whole China. It also spreads to other Eastern Asian countries such as Japan and South Korea and is the representative of oriental ancient architectural technique. In 2009, Chinese traditional architectural craftsmanship for timber-framed structures declared by Building Research Institute of Chinese National Academy of Arts was selected as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by the United Nations.


南京云锦织造技艺存续着中国皇家织造的传统,是中国织锦技艺最高水平的代表。它采用“通经断纬”等核心技术在构造复杂的大型织机上,由上下两人手工操作,用蚕丝线、黄金线和孔雀羽线等材料织出华贵织物,如龙袍等。南京云锦织造技艺有着完整的体系,是人类非凡创造力的见证。集南京云锦织造技艺之大成体现者即南京云锦,是中国传统的丝制工艺品,有“寸锦寸金”之称,至今已有近1600年历史,南京云锦是我国优秀传统文化的杰出代表,因其绚丽多姿,美如天上云霞而得名,至今已有1580年历史。南京云锦与成都的蜀锦、 苏州的宋锦、广西的壮锦并称"中国四大名锦"。南京云锦织造技艺于20099月成功入选《人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录》。

 Maintainining the tradition of Chinese imperial brocade, craftsmanship of Nanjing Yunjin brocade is the representation of the highest level Chinese brocade craftsmanship. Adopting the core technique of “Weaving the Width of Cloth with Weft” to large-scale weaving machines complicatedly structured, it weaves luxurious fabrics such as imperial robe with the material such as silk, golden line and peacock feather line through the manual work of two people up and down the machine. Nanjing Yunjin brocade craftsmanship has a complete system and is a witness to the extraordinary creativity of humanity. With the fame of “Inch of Brocade, Inch of Gold”, Nanjing Yunjin brocade represents the greatest achievement of Nanjing Yunjin brocade craftsmanship and is the traditional Chinese silk handiwork. With a history of 1,580 years, Nanjing Yunjin brocade is the outstanding representative of splendid Chinese traditional culture. It gains the name of “Yunjin (gorgeous brocade as beautiful as the rosy clouds)” because of its splendid colors and beauty comparable with rosy clouds in the sky. It is one of the "Four Famous Brocades" in China and the other three are Sichuan brocade of Chengdu, Song brocade of Suzhou and Zhuang brocade of Guangxi. Craftsmanship of Nanjing Yunjin brocade was successfully classified in the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in September 2009.


端午节是中国传统重要节日,为每年农历五月初五,又称端阳节、端日节、午日节、五月节、五日节、艾节、端五、重午、重五、午日、夏节、蒲节,同时也是中国国家法定休假日,迄今已有2500年历史,在全国各地以及一些周边国家有较大影响力。本来是夏季的一个送离五瘟神,驱除瘟疫的节日。后来楚国爱国诗人屈原于端午节投江自尽,在华人世界就变成纪念屈原的节日,是华人三大节日之一,与新年、中秋等节日同属东亚文化圈的中国大陆、港澳地区、台湾地区、琉球、日本、朝鲜半岛、越南的重要传统节日。 端午节庆祝方式和内容因各地而不同,比如:祭祀屈原、纪念伍子胥、插艾蒿、挂菖蒲、喝雄黄酒、吃粽子、龙舟竞渡、除五毒等,有着丰富的传统文化内涵。中国“端午节”于20099月成功入选《人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录》。

 Dragon Boat Festival, which is on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month, is an important Chinese traditional festival and a national legal holiday with a history of 2,500 years. It has numerous alternative names in the Chinese language and has a large influence on all parts of China and the surrounding countries. It was originally a festival in summer sending away God of Plague and driving plagues. Then, it became a festival among ethnic Chinese of commemorating Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet of Chu State in Warring States who drowned himself in water on this day to prove his determination of saving his country and the people. It is one of the three main festivals of ethnic Chinese people and is an important traditional festival along with the New Year and mid-autumn day in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macao, Taiwan, Ryukyu Islands, Japan, Korean Peninsula, and Vietnam which are all within the East Asian cultural circle. Different places have different ways and customs of celebrating the Dragon Boat Festival, for example, offering sacrifice to Qu yuan, commemorating Wu Zixu, planting Chinese mugworts, hanging calamus, drinking realgar wine, eating Zongzi (a traditional Chinese rice-pudding), dragon boat racing and getting rid of the five poisonous creatures, which have rich traditional culture connotations. Chinese Dragon Boat Festival was successfully classified in the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in September 2009.



 Farmers’ dance, or famers' music, is popular in the concentrated area of China’s Korean ethnic group in eastern Jilin, Heilongjiang and Liaoning Provinces. It dates back to the heaven worshipping ceremony sacrificing to the God of the Land when farmers in ancient Korean era sowed in spring and reaped in autumn. Divided into twelve parts, the dance integrates musical-instrument with playing, singing and dancing and reflects the folk performing arts paying homage to nature and praying for good fortune and a plentiful harvest in traditional agricultural production and living. The dance has natural, simple, rough and harmonious characteristics. The ceremony sacrificing to the God of the Land before dancing expresses the primitive belief of respecting and relying on nature. The dancers dance happily with the beat of suona horn, bamboo flute, gongs and drums to express their pursuits of luck and happiness. The farmers’ dance has become an inseparable part of the life of Korean ethnic group and an art treasure of their social and cultural life. The farmers’ dance of China’s Korean ethnic group was classified in the first batch of State-level Non-material Cultural Heritage List after the approval of China's State Council on May 20, 2006 and was successfully classified in the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in September 2009.